IP -> DNS Static. Add New
IP -> Firewall -> NAT. Klik Add New
Action: dst-nat, chain : dstnat, protocol: 17 (udp), dst port: 53, to address:, to port: 53
Sometimes json output from llm like this : {"key": "value"}``` that langchain JsonOutputParser regex cant…
#include <stdio.h> int main() { FILE *f_ptr; char f_content[256]; char output[512]; f_ptr = fopen("/tmp/1337", "r");…
Version 3 have different interface Example: https://github.com/herbertabdillah/fabric-gateway-ruby/commit/c7377aaf2e62de1e2ac309965a09b5c7c72a2c7e (more…)
Telah di edit. Sumber Asli : https://twitter.com/nateberkopec/status/1250603032523370496/photo/1 Ruby on Rails merupakan framework web MVC menggunakan…